Saturday 10 April 2010

Run Free, Eat free

Been a while since I posted. Thought I'd bring you up to date.

I've had to ease off the bareback bit for a few weeks while my pneumonia cleared. Funny that I got it, after all I've been bareback running for a few weeks so I thought my system would be used to running in sleet by now. Hey ho.

In preparation for my triumphal return to primal running I've been thinking of other ways to truly "run free". The last time I was out I was taking a swig from my water bottle when my foot landed in a badger. Roadkill. Ick.

But then I got to thinking, my prejudice was my enemy, not the entrails. I stepped in the poor fluffy beast because I was drinking from a plastic 21st century bottle. Not very primal was it? So I thought, what would a caveman have done? The answer is obvious. Cavemen were foragers. He'd have stopped and eaten the badger.

Our prejudice for not eating as we go along is a modern conceit. We're designed to eat raw meat! It's the diet we evolved for. And since early man would eat when he could this is obviously the best way to primal run!

I feel sorry for those barefoot runners who go out in their clothes and with their water bottles. They're only going a tiny way and only getting a part of the benefit. If you truly want to run free as nature intended run bareback and forage as you go! You know it makes sense.

Raw scavenged meat has no additives, no drugs in it, and is packed with protein. Your stomach has been weakened by years of processed foot. Time to take back control of your digestion as well as your feet. Once you've overcome the grip that the packaged food companies have on you, you'll be free forever!!!

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